I'm thankful!
Hi all my OH friends, I'm home and on the mend. Surgery went fine but i had a complication from the morphine. I went into a deep sleep that my respiration stopped and was unresponsive they had called in a response team.The great team of doc's and staff were able to reverse the morphine out of my system and bring me back to the land of the living. It was scary and put my body into shock but I am ok now and so far so good. Thank God for a praying family and friends! I will post as i get stronger, thanks to all for the prayers and well wishes. Mary
Welcome home Mary. So glad to hear and see that you are doing better. Feel better and hope for your recovery to be fast. Sip Sip Sip Rest Rest Rest Walk Walk Walk. Welcome to the losers bench.
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THIS IS MY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!